ask the chef :: ingredients

I heard [ingredient that you used in your recipe] isn’t safe for dogs.

I do everything in my power to make sure I only use dog safe ingredients in my recipes. All of my recipes start away from the kitchen and in front of my computer.

Once I’ve decide what ingredients I want to use I head over to the ASPCA poison control center website (along with some general web searching) to make sure every single ingredient that I have selected is safe to use.

Once the recipe is made and perfected I check the ingredients again, to account for any changes I may have made while baking. I do this with every single recipe that I publish and to the best of my knowledge I have never published a recipe with a dog unsafe ingredient.

I may use ingredients that you don’t agree with and there are ingredients that others think are safe that I don’t, but I use the ASPCA as my bottom line. If they consider something safe and I would feed it to my own dog, I will use it in a recipe.

If you don’t feel okay with feeding something to your dog then don’t. The point of baking for your dog is knowing and feeling comfortable with what you dog is eating. If you don’t feel comfortable with a recipe there are many, many more for you to try!

My Veterinarian said never to give my dog [ingredient that you used in your recipe].

Then do not, under any circumstance, give it to your dog. Your Vet knows your dog and if they tell you no then it’s no, they always have the final word. They know your dog and I don’t.

Bonus: Buckwheat is a grain…

This tiny, three word, very incorrect comment almost caused a lot of damage to a very important business relationship.

So let’s make a deal, I will continue to research every ingredient that I use. I will make sure to provide true and accurate information about my ingredients and their safety and you will just do a quick check to make sure what you’re about to say/type is correct before you say it.
Sound like a deal? Woof!

woof and wags


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  1. I can relate! I get comments on some of my dangerous ingredients which are researched online with holistic vets, senior vet students at MSU, and Kirby’s personal vet. The strangest is when a recipe shared on another site has a commentor replace ingredients resulting in a completely different recipe. I do see a lot of bad recipes out there so I see the concern but when we say ours are carefully researched, they are!

  2. YES! People also need to remember, we feed this stuff to our dogs too!

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