Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
In a large bowl mix all ingredients one at a time, kneading well after each addition.
Form dough into flat logs about 6 inches wide and 1 inch high. Bake on prepared baking sheet for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes then cut logs into 1 inch slices.
Place slices back on baking sheet and bake for 15 to 20 minutes until the slices are browned at the edges.
Cool and refrigerate.
2 to 3 dozen.
So basically after stalking your site for what feels like the past hour, I am in love! No seriously. How you could possibly say you are a bad cook in your bio I will never understand. How can you make such yummy looking treats and not consider yourself a hardcore chef/baking goddess?! I wish I could just think up recipes but sadly I lack some serious creativity in that department. But none the less I intend on making the mass majority of the treats on your site for my fluffy babies. And on a side note I would absolutely love it if you would be willing to work with me. Maybe I could feature a review of one or two (or 20 ha) of your recipes on my site? I would be so stoked! I am so glad I found you!
Thank you so much! Trust me, if you ask the members of my family that have two legs they will assure you, I’m no chef haha You have an adorable pack and I’d love to work with you. Woof!