Does your dog love watermelon on hot summer days? Is it safe for them? The short answer is ‘yes, dogs can eat watermelon, but with few limitations.’
Are watermelons safe for dogs?
Feeding your dog watermelon is absolutely fine. You just need to ensure a complete and balanced diet for your furry companion.
Watermelon is not at all dangerous for dogs. Dogs can safely eat watermelons, but in moderation. Remove the seeds before giving watermelon to your fur buddy. It is a tasty, nutritious, and healthy treat for them.
Benefits if watermelon in a dog’s diet
Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of watermelon for dogs:
- Watermelon is almost 92 percent water. It is a refreshing fruit that dogs enjoy eating and it keeps them hydrated.
- This delicious fruit is high in fiber, which is good for digestion.
- Watermelon is packed with vitamin A, C, B6, and B1 that are essential for dogs’ health.
- It also contains calcium and potassium that helps to boost your dog’s immune system.
- Watermelon helps dogs to keep their skin moist and maintain the water level in their body.
Precautions while giving watermelon to your dog
It is important to understand that as a pet owner, you are responsible for the health and wellbeing of your dog. While watermelon is not harmful to dogs, there are a few things you should keep in mind when feeding them watermelon.
- Watermelons contain high amounts of sugar. If you feed it excessively to your dogs, they might develop long-run health issues.
- Watermelon rinds and seeds can cause gastrointestinal issues. Feeding watermelon seeds might cause diarrhea, upset stomach, or intestinal blockages. So, remove the seeds before sharing watermelon with your dog.
- Don’t feed your dog watermelon over and over again. A dog’s food should have variety otherwise they might lack important nutrients in their diet.
- Stop feeding your dog watermelon immediately if you notice any unusual behavior.
Doggy Chef Tip: Remember that all fruits should be introduced into your dog’s diet gradually. This will help you to monitor your fur buddy for reactions and adverse effects.
What Other Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
Just like humans, dogs also have plenty of room for snacks and desserts. Fruits are a wonderful treat for your four-legged pals.
Your dogs can happily eat these fruits.
- Blueberries
- Mango
- Peaches
- Pears
- Apples
- Bananas
- Strawberries
- Pineapples
- Watermelon
- Cranberries
- Raspberries
If you want to try giving your dog a watermelon, then you need to be careful. It is probably a good idea to start slowly to see how your dog’s stomach reacts. Remember that you need to remove the seeds.
The bottom line on watermelon? The key is to offer watermelon to your dog in moderation. Watermelon should not become a large part of your dog’s regular diet. As a responsible pet owner, you must ensure to satisfy their tastes safely.
Does your dog enjoy a bite of a watermelon? Share your experience with us. We would be happy to hear from you.