
sweet potato pineapple frozen treat

sweet potato pineapple ice cream dog treat recipe

Hey there, fellow dog lovers!

Is your pup ready to beat the summer heat with a cool, refreshing treat? If you nodded with excitement (and maybe a little bit of drool), then you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into the delicious world of homemade doggy ice cream with a fun and fruity twist—Sweet Potato Pineapple Ice Cream!

The Ice Cream-Making Adventure

Picture this: a warm summer afternoon, your pup is lounging in the shade, and you’re in the kitchen whipping up something cool and delicious. The sweet potatoes are perfectly mashed and the pineapple is chopped The ingredients come together in a beautiful swirl of colors and flavors, and a few hours in the freezer, and voilà—pup-tastic ice cream treats!

Pup-Approved Fun

The best part? Watching your dog’s reaction as they enjoy their frosty snack. The excitement, the wagging tail, the happy barks—it’s a sight to behold! Not to mention, these treats are a great way to keep your furry friend cool and hydrated during those hot summer days.

sweet potato pineapple ice cream dog treat recipe

Sweet Potato Pineapple Frozen Treat


  • 1/2 cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup mashed sweet potato
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 13.5 ounce can coconut milk


  • Puree pineapple and coconut milk until well smooth.
  • In a large bowl mix with mashed sweet potato until well combined.
  • Pour into bread pan and freeze for a minimum of eight hours before serving.
sweet potato pineapple ice cream dog treat recipe

Tips and Tricks

  • Storage: Keep the treats in an airtight container in the freezer. They’ll stay fresh for up to a month (but we bet they won’t last that long!).
  • Portion Control: Remember, even though these treats are healthy, moderation is key. One or two cubes a day should be plenty.
  • Customizable: Feel free to get creative! You can swap out pineapple for other dog-safe fruits like blueberries or apples.
sweet potato pineapple ice cream dog treat recipe

A Paw-some Summer Treat

There you have it, folks—a simple, refreshing, and oh-so-tasty ice cream treat that’s perfect for spoiling your pup this summer. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, hitting the beach, or just chilling in the backyard, these Sweet Potato Pineapple Ice Cream treats are sure to keep your dog cool and happy.

Give this recipe a try and let us know how much your furry friend loves it! Snap a pic of your pup enjoying their ice cream and share it with us. We can’t wait to see those happy, frosty faces!

Stay cool, and keep those tails wagging!


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