ask the chef :: recipe ideas

Where do you get your ideas from? Did you go to school? or does it just come to you? I’m a pasty chef that has been trying to find way to make gluten free treats for my dog. I just found out that he can’t have gluten. I wasn’t sure where to start. I’ve been making him small amounts of the gluten free cookies for people. I know animals are not that different from us. but their digestive system is sensitive. You have given me hope. thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Hello Carrie,
Thank you for visiting my site and I’m sorry to hear about your pup, allergies can be a definite challenge (I suffer from many myself so I know!).
Since you’re a pastry chef I promise that you have way more knowledge than I do. I’ve got zero training .. I just kind of wing it.
I usually start with some thing I like to eat .. pizza, parmesan chicken, apple oatmeal and modify it into something that is dog safe (and wont fall apart as a biscuit). Or I’ll take things I know my dogs love .. bacon, peanut butter, cheese and build from there.
One of the easiest gluten-free treats to make is jerky. If your pup is a chicken lover then some chicken jerky would be perfect.
I have no training, I’m not even a very good cook and I’m making it up as I go. But, like you, I wanted to make something healthy for my dogs and I think all you really need is a willingness to try, some guidance on what foods are dog safe (I use the ASPCA website and my Veterinarian as my resources) and a cute doggy taste tester.
It sounds like you’ve got all three so start with what your dog likes and go from there. It’s a lot easier than it looks and your pup is lucky to have you working so hard to keep him healthy.
was given your website as a possible link for diabetic cat treats. was hoping you could help. having trouble finding them, and even recipes for them.
thank you.
I’m sorry Nancy but I’m not really familiar with cats so I don’t make treat recipes for them. I hope you find something. Woof!
Made your ginger pumpkin power treats that I found in clean eating and by the way my dogs love them but the picture looks like they are crunchy mine are soft
I’m glad your pups liked them! Mine were soft too Deborah, if you’d like them to be crunchy you can put them in a dehydrator or dehydrate them in the oven until they are dry (and crunchy) enough for you pups. Woof!